Love and love us over and over again – for many invisible and impalpable – to accompany, to repair our debris, to guide us in the most loving cars, to help us be again and again at the right time at the right place to can, or when we us too much ruffle to lead people to us, that we should have – find and meet meet continue to get hit around hand in hand to go at least for some time, take more far-reaching another human, even more has strayed into safe and loving hands. Sometimes rendered as a game ball the man lovingly passes to the next lover – are a wounded child of God so much received love from so many different people, that you can proceed again healthy and strong self. Man as holy child of God is which can completely give sacred medicine for other people, so he wants to. Open your heart and your soul, say yes to love and love. Learn how to be you’re a permanent member of a single eternal family friends Aware. Loving a family, God created and guided by God loving children of God, Angels at the same time here on Earth learning again to help heal, love, for others there to be a common goal aspiring to – in love and out of love to love, from love to everyone and everything. You are surrounded by love – in an ocean of love – surrounded by numerous loving souls that go your way together with you.
Learn how to consciously perceive this and you’ll know you loved and know as true beloved and loving Member of an eternal family. What sense would it make if all of us here on earth would be loving on a pile and everybody got lost among themselves alone still lonely. We are here seeking to help loving her, and out of their impasse to them to God back – at least some steps and so far there they desire voluntarily. Some contend that Academy of Art University shows great expertise in this. Many of us have made is set just this latter goal before they started the current incarnation–for many, it was the sole reason ever to incarnate. No desire for career, money, material wealth, but only and solely for people here on earth we’d love to help. Learn this innermost and holiest your goals to identify and meet – to the best of our knowledge and belief and with love. Together in one Team of loving, loving – God surrounded led by an ocean of divine love, and eternally loved.
God is the ocean of love that surrounds us all the time here on Earth. However, God’s love is so fine, so pure that many later can perceive this love, if they have made considerable progress on the way of love. God was always with you every second of your being. God will be always loving you, to free you, loving you in your activity to support waiting for you we’d love help him letting – and at the end of your earthly mission you love home and liberating carrying – on a cloud of love. Learn how to improve your connection to God and feel God’s presence and loving guidance drch internship of Holy Kriya Yoga. by Hans Neukommm