Summary: The present article is part of a series of activities developed in disciplines of ' ' Didactics: theories and prticas' ' , given for the Profa. Ms. Dulcina Guimares Rolim, in the course of Pedagogia of the University of Sorocaba. It approaches the importance and the objectives of Infantile Ensino in the Basic Education, discoursing on the paper of the professor with the lesser children of 6 years of age. The Didactics and Infantile Ensino In accordance with the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Children (UNICEF, 1959), the child has right to the education to develop its aptitudes, its capacity to emit judgment, its feelings and its sense of moral and social responsibility. But, which the paper of the professor of Infantile Ensino? The National Curricular Referencial for the Infantile Education (MEC, 1998) guides the function of this professor and approaches the following scopes of experience: Personal formation Social and Knowledge of World, favoring, with priority, the processes of construction of the Identity and Autonomy of the children. It aims at to construct different languages for the relations that approach knowledge on: Visual movement, Music, Arts, Verbal Language and Writing, Nature and Society and Mathematics.
The definition of the objectives in terms of capacities and of behaviors does not aim at to extend the possibility of concretion of the educative intentions, a time that the capacities if express by means of diverse behaviors and the learnings that converge to it can be of diverse natures. Although the children develop its capacities in heterogeneous way, the education has for function to create conditions for the integral development of all the children, considering, also, the learning possibilities that present in the different etrias bands. So that this it occurs, one becomes necessary affective, cognitiva, ethical, aesthetic an performance that propitiates the development of capacities involving those of physical order, of interpersonal relation and social insertion.