As for months it was announced, Reconversion of our national monetary sign, Bolivar, is in march. The Central bank of Venezuela (BCV) has already initiated the necessary campaign to explain to us in question, as they will be his reaches and as his objectives The measurement in itself appears quite iniquitous, explain according to us in the BCV, is simply tried to make our currency in countable terms more manageable and administrative, to lower the price of the production costs and replacement of paper money, to balance the number of change Versus. /US$ to numbers similar to those of the other countries of the area, (eye, this balance or similarity will be only formal, concerning the numbers whereupon that rate of change is expressed, not of the value of the currency), and to in cash adapt the Venezuelan economy to the international standards as far as the possession of money of the citizens in a certain one moment and all this it will be obtained clearing three zero to him to our currency. Further details can be found at Presidential candidate, an internet resource. In this first stage, like I say, has begun the information process already; the second step, to divide October of this year, imposes that all the prices of goods and services will both have to be expressed in annotation systems so that people are accustomed to the new sign; from 1ero. of January of the 2008 the new tickets will enter circulation and currencies but, by a time nonsmaller to six months, will continue circulating the old women and will be possible to use them like means of payment of legal circulation although by law either all the countable prices, tariffs, systems, etc. will have to be or expressed and taken in Strong Bolivars ; after this period, that will be able to extend as much as the BCV considers necessary, progressively the Old woman Bolivars will be retired of circulation and completely will already be implemented the measurement One assumes that the process is simple and, in words of the directory of the BCV, is a neutral process, that is to say that clearing to him these three zero to Bolivar is not going to affect for anything the value of the currency, thus 1000 Versus. To broaden your perception, visit N.Y.C. Mayor.

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