An education that does not consider the spirit, so nothing can be complete. Each of the Communities’ own principles of learning is in itself a whole that is targeted for development in the work of Dr. Gallegos. The theme of the dialogue is one of the core of his speech, which has occupied the same political, literary and thinkers throughout history such as Plato and Socrates in antiquity and today David Bohn. Each of them gives it some nuances, but in essence is used as a means of communication and reasoning to get closer to subjective reality.
Dr. Ramon Gallegos takes up the dialogue in his speech to the holistic way to David Bohn, “as a form of communication that is radically out of the instrumental logic of linear processes and competitive values” illustrating the importance of holding dialogue with our similar. Bohn, in its proposed Joint Awareness suggests that to solve our common problems should start, not the tree, agencies such as UNESCO or domes of government, but by its very roots, because that explores how thoughts are generated and sustained collectively, we must start us each and every one of us and not expect to start at the top. In holistic dialogue must stop reacting emotionally, put on hold occurring in the mind, emotions that come from the feelings, instincts that emerge from remote brain structures are only instrumental components of being. They are not being. Meet with being involved a major league. Learning to be beyond all other learning.
Therefore, holistic education seeks to achieve the integrity to lead us to develop spiritual awareness and universal love. So learn to be. The work of Dr. Gallegos covers part of learning to be not only the book of that name. Much of the dialogue it had with philosophers, psychologists and outstanding scholars of the various sciences to address this difficult issue. Since being in transcending linguistic communication is insufficient: “what can say about it was that for thousands of years, but it is necessary to say again from time to time in new ways to remember those universal truths.” But it also has this “the closest thing to God is the silence,” “Love and educational reality in Wisdom, Love and Compassion. Personally I can say that each book of Ramon Gallegos has been for me a welcome source of knowledge, motivation for the acquisition of literature on the new science, critical analysis of teacher work I do, drive towards the revitalization of my my existence and educational practices, guidance for my family relationships, light on the way to the Self, of peace, joy and satisfaction. My vision has expanded. I have read many of his books. When I reread a topic, I always find something new, almost always motivates me to seek more information and often moves me to practices, experiences that make me feel good to me and others. Although its contents are deep and complex, its reading is accessible, despite the scientific support that they manage and the personal contacts that he maintains through his dialogues with renowned personalities of scientific – research is perceived simplicity of author. After having read, analyzed and commented upon the twelve books of Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava that gave rise to this test, the conclusion is clear, dialogue, mindfulness, universal love, knowledge of Self, Spirituality and Contemplation are the concepts that should inspire our lives.